Still Here

A lot has happened this past year. I am still in Missouri. Have a decent job right now that I’m good at. My roommate let’s me use their car.

My ex husband and I finally communicate regularly and my daughter is doing good, I haven’t been able to see her but hopefully soon.

I have an amazing boyfriend, fingers crossed. I am hopeful.

Last September, I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks and had to have surgery from it. It took a long time to heal mentally and physically but I’m ok now.

That’s all for now.

16 thoughts on “Still Here

  1. Heya, just a stranger from the other side of the world here, but I thought I’d just drop a comment to spur you on. Am glad to hear that you’re doing well, and here’s to wishing that the upward trend continues. Go you!


  2. so glad to hear you are doing well – i didn’t realize that you haven’t been able to see your daughter! Fingers crossed for you that you will be together soon. Best wishes


    1. Yeah, over a year and a half now. Its just expensive..making ends meet and she is about 15 hours from me so I cant afford it right now


      1. Brittany, I recently saw Forensic Files and felt so very sad for your Mom. Then I read your blog and the tears are streaming. My heart is breaking for all that you have had to endure. I’m praying for you and after all this time and still more difficulties you are surviving and taking it all a day at a time. You have suffered such losses but you have never given up. Please know that people care about you. I wish for you that you can find little moments of joy and that you are able to see your Daughter again. God bless you my dear!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello. Enjoy your work…I smile in recognition to hear you say, “I’m good at it….” Thanks…it heartens me to hear people say they know their worth. Reminds me of the time I took my head out of the gas oven in which I’d place it, hearing myself say to the world, …”I’m worth more than this…I was not born just to end it all just like this…”…. So long ago…in the late 1960s and now I am nearly 80 and a recent grand-dad and, like yourself, looking forward to see my daughter after after an absence.

    Thanks for the post and go well…..Mask really DO work and so does social distancing…..I can report from here in new zealand.

    With respect,
    Chris tutle.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’ve faced more than your share of challenges, but it sounds like you are doing your best to remain positive. I remember you as a child on that TV show, and marveled then at your maturity and open heart. I wish all the best to come your way.


  5. Your story touches my heart. I just watched Forensic Files. I am so sorry that you and your Mother had to go through that. I hope one day you can forgive the people who were so ugly to your Mother. I know that life will get better for you. God bless you and your daughter.


    1. I forgave them a long time ago, I had to because the anger was eating me up inside. I did have a hard time with it again after she died but its gotten better.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Brittany…reaching out from Down Under 🥰. I went searching for you after watching for the first time the forensic files show on netflix about your life story. My heart went out to you all. I teared up during your interview with the reporter when you described seeing heaven and I wondered if you had written any more about that experience. It sure did line up with what others have said when they’ve gone through that. So I am wondering if you still have memory of that time and whether you remember meeting Jesus and Him telling you it wasn’t your time or something hence why you came back? Thanks for taking the time to read my comment. Warmest, Leanne


    1. Unfortunately I found out years and years later that I never flatlined and that I had been told that I did so many times that I began to repeat what I’d been told. I’m actually not religious at all anymore and cannot remember much from the fire itself, which I consider a blessing. But I do very much appreciate your kind words. It means a lot to me.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I have seen your story many times over on forensic files. Each time my heart just breaks because I’ve followed your blog and read your posts about your mom and your feelings about what happened. I just love you so much and I don’t even know you. I’m sorry for the loss of your pregnancy. Big hugs from random internet mom. I wish you all the best.


  8. I just wanted to say, people and their opinions do not define you as a person. Your mother was clearly loving and supportive of her children, and the public/law enforcement/media can change that in the blink of an eye. Just always remember her the way you remember. Those are your memories and no one can take them away. Sending love and light.


  9. I too just saw your gut wrenching story from my living room in Canada. My heart breaks for what your precious mom and you went through. I feel she probably died of a broken heart. So unfair that she couldn’t defend herself against the monsters that charged her. I’m so glad her name was cleared and I just hope justice was served from the other side. I hope the awful people of the world who made life difficult for your mom and you, get even a slight taste of agony in their lives.
    My mom died 18 years ago today so I know (some) of the heartache you suffer but not nearly the trauma you both shared. My heart and love go out to you as you carry on through life with your momma’s light to shine to way. Peace to you♥️ Your mom would be so proud of you.


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